We are looking for candidates for our MBA scholarships who – based on their background and appearance – could become charismatic leaders. We require determination and initiative. With the MBA scholarship we would like to explicitly support people whose previous career path deviates from the typical educational or professional career. The Darmstadt Business School reduces the tuition fee of the scholarship holder up to 40%.
Application procedure/requirements
Anyone who is interested in the MBA scholarship can apply as long as they have applied for the MBA full-time or part-time respectively. Applications for the scholarship can be submitted until 1 June each year for the following first semester (cut-off period). Applications for the scholarship must be submitted with your name and Applicant number by e-mail to In addition to the documents already transmitted with the application you have to include the following documents to your scholarship application:
Letter of motivation (max. 2 pages)
Letter of recommendation
Extended curriculum vitae, if applicable
If necessary, further job references
Certificates/ further education certificates, if applicable
Language certificates, if applicable
Other certificates, if applicable
All documents attached to the letter of motivation must be sent via email in one single PDF file. The file should not exceed 5 MB. Other file formats will not be opened and are considered as not submitted.
Scholarship contract
A scholarship contract is concluded with the scholarship holders and contains the following points:
As a rule, scholarships cannot be combined with other discounts.
The scholarship holder undertakes to support the MBA program and Darmstadt Business School, e.g. as an ambassador, at trade fair appearances, information events, interviews and through testimonials.
The scholarship holder agrees to provide a portrait for the program homepage and to be available for a detailed interview after graduation, which can be used for marketing purposes.